2008 Divisions

Mike Kennedy Division

Breton Education Centre

New Waterford, NS

Nechako Valley Secondary

Vanderhoof, BC

Seminaire des Peres Maristes

Quebec, QC

Sir John A. MacDonald

Upper Tantallon, NS

Colonel Gray High School

Charlottetown, PE

Mike Kennedy was born in New Waterford, the youngest of ten children born to Maddie Kennedy and late Archie Kennedy. He began his education at St. Agnes School and graduated from there in 1968. Mike continued on to the Nova Scotia Teacher's College in Truro and graduated from the N.S.TU. in 1971 with a Physical Education License. Mike's teaching career spanned 33 years with 32 of those at St. Agnes School and one at Mt. Carmel Elementary. He also taught at Central, Greenfield, Tompkins Memorial, and the former New Victoria and St. Michael School.

Mike played basketball and soccer throughout his grade 9- 12 years at St. Agnes. He played basketball and soccer at the Nova Scotia Teacher's College for three years and captained both teams in his final year. Mike was most valuable player of the Nova Scotia Teacher's College Soccer Team for two years and was the leagues leading scorer in his final year. Mike also captained the New Waterford (Mt. Carmel) Strands Senior Soccer who won the Nova Scotian Challenge Cup in 1973. This team is being honoured this year as well.

Mike was a member of the New Waterford Strands basketball team that won the maritime title in 1974 - as well as a member of the 1977 Hi-Fi Hawks fastball tearn that won the provincial banner that same year. Besides an outstanding playing career, Mike spent many hours in the gym and field/board rooms as a coach and volunteer. He coached the Breton Education Centre Junior-A. Boys Basketball for seven years - winning the Cape Breton title in five of those years. He was an assistant coach for the Senior BEC Bears Basketball team for several years. Mike spent most of his coaching career at the elementary level where he taught school. Here is where he flourished. The children at St. Agnes School were under his coaching guidance for years and years and he led the New Waterford Celtics to the championship in the Jim Fox Chaisson Toumament in 2001.

Mike's dedication and commitment to teaching and coaching expanded beyond the classroom and gym. He has been Vice president of the New Waterford Minor Basketball Association for 29 years. The league has grown from eight teams to as many as twenty-four. Mike was instrumental in the formation of the Mini Coal Bowl and the Jim Fox Chaisson Elementary Girls Basketball Toumament. Mike continues to be an organizer and volunteer at the annual K.O.C. 3209 Elementary Track and Field Meet for the past 27 years. He presently volunteers at St. Agnes School for various activities such as fall fairs, Christmas concerts, basketball programs, to name a few.

Mike's contribution to the youth of New Waterford has been and continues to be tremendous. He quietly goes about his way in a very professional and dedicated manner and has been a positive role model for many, many young school children. Mike is married to Rose Anne O'Keefe, a retired teacher and is the proud father of Kelly, Julie and Scott.

It is with great honour that the Coal Bowl Board of Directors name Mike Kennedy as a Division Chairperson for Coal Bowl 2008.

Joanne MacDonald Division

Glace Bay High School

Glace Bay, NS

Notre Dame High School

Calgary, AB

Central Kings Rural High

Cambridge, NS

Bluefield High School

Hampshire, PE

Ecole Secondaire Mont Saint-Sacerement

Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier, QC

Joanne Marie Connors was born and raised in New Waterford, in a family of seven siblings who were "sports crazy," particularly about basketball. At St. Agnes School, there was an intramural league when she was in elementary school run by the parish priest in the old gym situated under the intermediate building When she advanced to St. Agnes Jr/Sr High in grade seven, she watched her cider sister Patsy co captain her team to a provincial title. The following year Joanne got her chance, as Coach Jim Fox Chaisson put her on the senior team. Joanne played for St. Agnes for five years and brought home a provincial title in her grade 10 year (1957-68). Her younger sister Debbe was also on that team. Joanne said, Fox used to say the hardest part of winning the provincial title was in getting out of town, as the local competition was so fierce!

In 1970,  Joanne was president of the Student Council of the last graduating class from St. Agnes High. She went on to captain Xavier Junior College Women's team, or "Little X" as it was known. The following year she made the Senior Varsity squad at St. F.X. but opted to play Junior Varsity for the next three years. Joanne came back to New Waterford after university and married Jerry MacDonald and had two children, Laurie, (married to Joe McCormick- one of the "Crackers" from River Ryan), who now reside in Halifax; and Mark (married to Lisa Natvik), who reside in Southwestern Ontario with their two grandchildren: Lars and Celia. 

Joanne says, as her children grew she became involved in coaching minor basketball which she continued to do for more than 15 years. One of her proudest accomplishments was the establishment of an elementary school girl's basketball tournament for the industrial area which still carries the original name today - The Jim "Fox" Chaisson Memorial Tournament. She also canvassed for many chanties over the years as well as serving on many local groups and committees, most notably for the Gary MacDonald Memorial Playground at Mt. Carmel School. Along with a BA from St. FX, she eamed a diploma in rursing from St. Rita's Hospital. She worked for 16 years at the New Waterford Hospital - and the last 10 years have been at the Cape Breton Regional Hospital, most recently in the Obstetrics Department. She hopes to retire in the next couple of years and would like to spend more time watching her grandchildren grow up-and perhaps help to instill a love of sports in yet another generation.

Joanne's commitment to her family and community is quite obvious when reading the above. Her selfless dedication to the youth of the New Waterford area and her volunteer efforts for many charitable organizations is part of her life's work. Joanne's recognition of her former coaches and their impact on her illustrate the respect and honour she values so greatly both then and now. Joanne developed those leadership skills she amassed throughout her life and passed them onto the youth of our area. Her dedication to the Jim Fox Tournament for so many years was phenomenal.

It is with great respect that the Coal Bowl Board of Directors name Joanne MacDonald a Division Chairperson for Coal Bowl 2008